Decorative element

kulturhauptstadt europas N2025
beratende kuratorin, programmdirektorin
nürnberg, seit 2018
auftraggeber: stadt nürnberg, bewerbungsbüro kulturhauptstadt europas N2025

A cornerstone of the program will be to engage issues around the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds from an artistic perspective. Leading international artists will come togehter with local artists to discuss the past and the future, arts and culture, politics and aesthetics. The program director and curator Marietta Piekenbrock outlines the potential of a transformation of the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds and reflects the transformation of memory spaces in modern immigration societies. Choreographers, directors, visual artists and architects transform a historical setting into a stage for aestetic and social spaces of experience. Nuremberg becomes pacemaker in a current discourse that opens the horizon for transcultural myths and needs for identity.